
Vibroacoustic and acoustic noise interference

The vibroacoustic and acoustic interference system is designed to counteract special unauthorized data retrieval devices that use the room's walling as leak channels. Such devices include:

electronic and acoustic stethoscopes that are used for tapping through ceilings, floors and walls;

wired and wireless microphones mounted on the walling or water and heating pipes;

laser and microwave data retrieval systems that operate through the window openings.

LVP-2o, LVP-2t, LVP-2s
LVP-2o, LVP-2t, LVP-2s

Vibration transducers are designed to generate vibrations in various structural components (walls, ceilings, floors) enclosing the allocated room;

Where to buy?

LVP-2s vibration transducer is designed to generate vibrations in various structural components (walls, ceilings, floors) enclosing the allocated room;

LVP-2t vibration transducer is designed to generate vibrations in window’s glass and utilities (piping) that go beyond the allocated room;

LVP-2o is designed to generate vibrations in the glass of the windows enclosing the allocated room.

Dimensions (no antenna)
no more than 40x25 mm
Weight,(no antenna)
no more than no more than 120 g